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New posts in procedural-generation

Procedural Terrain with ridged fractal noise

Generating random points within a hexagon for procedural game content

Ensuring a partially connected digraph is strongly connected

Looping through a formula that describes a spiral to generate XY coordinates

Wrote some perlin noise kind of code, it looks blocky

Perlin Noise detail level. How to zoom in on a landscape?

Procedural sound generation algorithms?

How is a 3d perlin noise function used to generate terrain?

Procedurally Generate Low Poly Trees

JavaScript simplex / perlin noise

Random 2D Tile-Map Generating Algorithm

2D tile map generation

Optimizing numerical array performance in Haskell

Mathematical question: procedural generation of a galaxy


Issues implementing the "Wave Collapse Function" algorithm in Python

How does one get started with procedural generation?
