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New posts in precompiled-headers

No speedup with precompiled headers on gcc (but large speedup with visual studio)

CMake (cotire) precompiled headers and disable warnings

Can I share a precompiled header between projects to reduce compile time?

Should I, or should I not include the same headers in different c files, which in turn are headers used in a main file?

c precompiled-headers

Need some clarification on #pragma once

stdafx.h cross platform without issues?

Collect common includes in a single file - good practice?

Precompiled headers


Weird Behavior with gcc precompiled headers

c++ gcc precompiled-headers

How to use precompiled headers in Qt project

is not a class or namespace name

Objective-C typedef enum in global constants file

Precompiled headers and compiling universal objects on OSX

Unexpected #else

Using a namespace to make global functions, but getting multiply defined symbols error

Precompiled headers with Autotools

Sharing Pre-compiled Headers efficiently