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New posts in posix

Reference a GNU C (POSIX) DLL built in GCC against Cygwin, from C#/NET

c# dll gcc cygwin posix

POSIX Threads vs. Win32 Threads

Handle signals in the Java Virtual Machine

java jvm process posix signals

Lock a mutex multiple times in the same thread

GLib's GAsyncQueue vs. POSIX message_queue

How to create a temporary file with portable shell in a secure way?

Cross platform way of testing whether a file is a directory

How to get name of frontmost app with AppleScript and use it to get the filepath

applescript posix

How to pass multiple parameters to a thread in C

c pthreads posix

POSIX Process Groups

c process posix

How can I prevent zombie child processes?

c posix zombie-process

Race condition when using dup2

What is POSIX PSE51 that Adaptive AUTOSAR based on?

posix autosar

How to check if file exists in C++ in a portable way?

c++ c file posix portability

Catching signal inside its own handler

c unix posix signals sigint

How to run a Python script portably without specifying its full path

python windows shell posix

Does printf always flush the buffer on encountering a newline?

c posix

Is there a POSIX function to copy a file? [closed]

c posix

What are gcc on linux's equivalent to microsoft's critical sections?

delete all directories except one

shell posix