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New posts in portable-class-library

Is it possible to create a Portable class library with Roslyn?

Why do some NuGet packages provide both a Portable Library and an Platform Specific One?

Portable Class Library Testing

Portable Class Library System.Object error

Replacement for SynchronizationContext.Send() in Portable Class Libraries

Upgrade database with Sqlite.net Pcl for Xamarin android

How to change the PCL profile in Xamarin.Forms (Portable) Application

PCL libraries and similar File.Exists functions

Could not install package MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.2.1 at Visual Studio 2013 for PCL Profile 158

How can I determine the default encoding in a portable class library?

Can the Async CTP be used with a portable library

Using Async CTP with Portable Class Library

Choosing Windows Runtime Components versus Portable Code Library

Handling missing types in PCL with real types existing on some of the platforms

.NET Portable Class Library [Serializable] Attribute

The reason why Portable Class Libraries were created (in architectural meaning)?

Portable Class Library Profile 78 missing attribute related methods/properties

How to solve xbuild '.NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile344' issue on Linux

xamarin forms error Droid.Resource does not contain a definition for string

Windows Phone development and Unit Testing