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New posts in portable-class-library

using Json in Portable Class Library

c# portable-class-library

Portable Class Library strong assembly reference problems in MonoTouch/MonoDroid

Reference different model objects in .net class library depending on the project it's included in

Message headers sent on webservice calls on portable libraries (PCL)

MVVM Light - PCL+WPF - Getting exception of type Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException

How to share class library between Xamarin and Asp.net core?

How to achieve `FSharpValue.GetUnionFields` in a C# PCL (Profile 259)

How to binary serialize a class in a Portable Class Library?

Async/Await WCF client in a PCL

System.Security.Cryptography vs PCLCrypto

Why can't I reference System.Net.Sockets in a Portable Class Library using Xamarin?

The type or namespace name 'Http' does not exist?

Unable to load assembly when referencing BindingFlags type in Windows 10 Universal Windows library

Is there any way I can implement IValidatableObject on Portable Class Library Project?


Creating a PCL that targets Monodroid