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New posts in pluralize

Why was Relational() extention method removed in .net core 3?

How to pluralize and format a number in angularjs

How to pluralize a name in a template with jinja2?

Test if a word is singular or plural in Ruby on Rails

Undefined method 'pluralize' for #<Controller>

override default pluralize for model-name in rails3

How turn off pluralize table creation for Entity Framework 5?

Java API for plural forms of English words

java dictionary word pluralize

Is there a way to use pluralize() inside a model rather than a view?

ruby-on-rails pluralize

pluralize without count number in rails 4

Entity Framework Core RC2 table name pluralization

JavaScript pluralize an english string

javascript pluralize plural

Is there a pluralize function in Ruby NOT Rails?

ruby require pluralize

How do I override rails naming conventions?

i18n Pluralization

ASP.NET MVC Controller Naming Pluralization

Plurality in user messages