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How turn off pluralize table creation for Entity Framework 5?

I am trying to use Entity Framework 5. The first problem was that EF creats tables automatically. I tried to fix it by including dbModelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<PluralizingTableNameConvention>(). The second problem was the error like this

The model backing the 'CountryContext' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database.

I tried fix it by dbModelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<IncludeMetadataConvention>(); but no sense. The data access layer the next:

Table(Name = "tblCountries")] public class Country {      [Column(Name = "id", IsDbGenerated = true, IsPrimaryKey = true)]     public int Id {get;set;}      [Column(Name = "name")]     public string Name {get;set;} }  public class CountryContext:DbContext {     public CountryContext(string connStr):base(connStr)     {     }      public DbSet<Country> TblCountries { get; set; }      protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder dbModelBuilder)     {         dbModelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<PluralizingTableNameConvention>();         dbModelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<IncludeMetadataConvention>();     } }      public class CountryDal:BaseDal {    public int CheckIsExist(Country country)     {         int id = 0;         using (var context = new CountryContext(ConnectionString))         {             var first = context.TblCountries.FirstOrDefault(el => el.Name == country.Name);             if (first != null)             {                 id = first.Id;             }         }         return id;     }     } 

Additional info: VS 2012, framework 4.5, entity framework And for EF 4 it works perfect (without OnModelCreating method).

like image 441
Yara Avatar asked Aug 26 '12 12:08


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The DbContext class has a method called OnModelCreating that takes an instance of ModelBuilder as a parameter. This method is called by the framework when your context is first created to build the model and its mappings in memory.

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If you're using a Code First approach then Entity Framework will build the table for you. It looks like you are not using Code First, so you will have create the table in the database.

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For solving this problem the Entity Framework provides a very good approach, Conventions, that allow you to specify how you want your database to be set up. using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions; This code will remove the Pluralizing convention that is the default behavior for all model builders.

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1 Answers

You can write this code in OnModelCreating method:

like image 77
Majid Hosseini Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Majid Hosseini