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How to test for Windows 7 platform?

java windows-7 platform

Visual Studio 2008 Project Properties Build Configuration Missing Options

How to add Android to Phonegap Platforms version 3

android cordova platform

How to check platform at runtime

Update of Android system app, with/without platform signature

Target platform/processor at compile time

Can I use Java for building cross-platform mobile apps? [closed]

java mobile platform

Is it possible to configure the Build Configuration to automatically add suffixes for target platform?

.NET platform, .NET environment or .NET framework which is correct? And what's the difference between platform/environment/framework?

why is Android API level 9 obsolete?

android platform obsolete

Why is Java platform independent in theory and platform dependent in practice?

java platform

How to detect platform using Ionic 4

Ethics of billing for work done on a platform you just started learning [closed]

payment platform billing

How to have facebook messenger bot in local, staging and production

LP64, LLP64 and the IL32 transition

How devices in device tree and platform drivers were connected

What is the difference between a platform and a framework? [closed]

frameworks platform

Which Android platform and API to target?

Is my macbook pro x86 linux or x86_64 darwin? [closed]

x86 x86-64 platform