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How to get $date + 5 to exclude weekends?

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Laravel Eloquent whereIn, retrieving records from database including for missing dates

Why Laravel migrations class doesn't have a namespace?

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How to fake a resourse for a unit test in PHP?

Laravel - how to delete polymorphic relations of model with belongsTo relation?

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PHP - Remove DOTs from text but exclude numbers [duplicate]

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Yii2 dropdown list : add html markups like data-food="..." to my options

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Load external environment parameters in Symfony 3.2 using env() at runtime return unresolved values

Why This Date Function Only Works Until 30 December 2016?


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Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given

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PHP date_sunrise and date_sun_info giving different results

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Can not get the product details from order_id on the new order hook function

Why created_at updated_at are null on insertion

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Adding Foreign Key using Phinx

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Deployer - Fatal error: Call to undefined function server()

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Undefined property in model

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Adding user custom field value to order items details

How to set a Json response in suave webpart

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Laravel Migration table not created

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