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Parsedown set image width and height

Currently I use CodeIgniter 3.1.3 and Parsedown / Markdown Guide

With parse down I would like to be able to set the width and height of the image

![enter image description][1]

[1]: http://www.example.com/image.png '100x200' <-- widthxheight

I try the the way above but sets image title instead.

Output would be

<img src="http://www.example.com/image.png" width="100" height="200" alt="enter image description">

Question in parsedown library is there any way to modify it so can get and set the width and height of image?

protected function inlineImage($Excerpt)
    if ( ! isset($Excerpt['text'][1]) or $Excerpt['text'][1] !== '[')

    $Excerpt['text']= substr($Excerpt['text'], 1);

    $Link = $this->inlineLink($Excerpt);

    if ($Link === null)

    $Inline = array(
        'extent' => $Link['extent'] + 1,
        'element' => array(
            'name' => 'img',
            'attributes' => array(
                'src' => $Link['element']['attributes']['href'],
                'alt' => $Link['element']['text'],
                'width' => '',
                'height' => ''

    $Inline['element']['attributes'] += $Link['element']['attributes'];


    return $Inline;
like image 358
Mr. ED Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 04:03

Mr. ED

2 Answers

Last element from this (reference) syntax [1]: http://www.example.com/image.png '100x200'

Will be passed as title attribute, so you might do it this way:

class MyParsedown extends Parsedown
    protected function inlineImage($Excerpt)
        $Inline = parent::inlineImage($Excerpt);

        if (!isset($Inline['element']['attributes']['title'])) { return $Inline; }

        $size = $Inline['element']['attributes']['title'];

        if (preg_match('/^\d+x\d+$/', $size)) {
            list($width, $height) = explode('x', $size);

            $Inline['element']['attributes']['width'] = $width;
            $Inline['element']['attributes']['height'] = $height;

            unset ($Inline['element']['attributes']['title']);

        return $Inline;

Attribute will be changed to width+height if title matches NUMERICxNUMERIC pattern. You might limit number of digits or size to protect breaking the page, also leading 0 should be excluded (or sizes with only 0).

like image 136
shudder Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 05:03


Just a slight variation from the accepted answer to make it possible to keep the original aspect ratio by setting width or height to zero:

class MyParsedown extends Parsedown
    protected function inlineImage($Excerpt)
        $Inline = parent::inlineImage($Excerpt);

        if (!isset($Inline['element']['attributes']['title'])) { return $Inline; }

        $size = $Inline['element']['attributes']['title'];

        if (preg_match('/^\d+x\d+$/', $size)) {
            list($width, $height) = explode('x', $size);

            if($width > 0) $Inline['element']['attributes']['width'] = $width;
            if($height > 0) $Inline['element']['attributes']['height'] = $height;

            unset ($Inline['element']['attributes']['title']);

        return $Inline;
like image 30
2 revs Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 06:03

2 revs