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How can I activate an Excel add-in from Perl or the command line?

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Retrying an operation after an exception: Please criticize my code

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How can I mock a web server in Perl?

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How do I fix "Symbol not found: _is_prefix" when compiling Perl's DBD::mysql?

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How can I extract some XML data from a URL using XML::Twig?

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Why does my UTF8 data from my mod_perl application still get garbled in the web browser?

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How do I detect if a program is running within a PAR archive?

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What's the difference between system() in C and Perl?

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How can I automate and share sessions between Firefox and Perl?

How do I get the PID of the process I start with Perl's system()?

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How can I pass parameters to Perl subroutines defined using eval?

How can I reference the object when building it with Perl's Class::Struct?


How can I copy a directory except for all of the hidden files in Perl?


How can I conditionally replace a line with a single word using Perl?


ack does not work when run from "grep-find" in Emacs on Windows

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How can I access a specific range of bytes in a file using Perl?

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How can I extract and save values from an XML file in Perl?

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Perl not closing TCP sockets if clients are no longer connected?

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How can I improve this program to get 24 with 4 numbers?

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