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Find combinations of numbers that sum to some desired number

perl math

Where is the documentation for the behavior of @array->[4] or %hash->{key} in Perl?

perl syntax

How to have a variable as regex in Perl

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Why are the parentheses so important when assigning this regex match?

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Is my Fibonacci subroutine an example of recursion in Perl?

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How can I create a hash of hashes from an array of hashes in Perl?

Why does XML::LibXML keeps printing errors even when I disable them?

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How Do I Run a Perl Script from Cmd without typing "perl" in front of the script path?

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What is the correct syntax to specify optional parameters?

perl syntax

Packaging a simple perl script for use by "average Joes" running Windows

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Differences beteween switch- and if-statements

Perl Moose parent class cast with child

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Linux Sort vs Perl String Comparison

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How do I remove part of a line in a multi-line chunk using sed or Perl?

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Weighted disjunction in Perl Regular Expressions?

terminal: where am I?

How to iterate through a Perl PDL piddle?

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How do I fill text-boxes in a gui application through command line?

Perl vs PHP to web scraping [closed]

perl regex warning: \1 better written as $1 at (eval 1) line 1

perl syntax warnings