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New posts in performancecounter

Azure Worker Role Custom Performance Counters

azure performancecounter

Getting Received and Sent Bytes generated by Process for Network Activity

How to work with Performance counters and WCF service in IIS?

Are performance counters the right tool for my job? If so, how do I use them?

c# performancecounter

% Time in RT checks

.net clr performancecounter

rdpmc: surprising behavior

Do Core i3/5/7 CPUs provide a mechanism to measure IPC?

32 byte store forwarding on Sandy Bridge

How can I get performance counter to work without getting the user to rebuild with lodctr in a command prompt?

Are any special security rights required to read performance data counters on Windows?

GC.Collect() and PerformanceCounter

Get the Cpu usage of each process from wmi

What does perf's option to measure events at user and kernel levels mean?

Read and parse perf.data

Performance counters on the iPhone

Can perf-stat results be generated from a perf.data file?

Is it possible to use Linux Perf profiler inside C++ code?

What is "cooked value" returning in Powershell's get-counters cmdlet?

Some performance counters shows wrong values after installing .net 4.5

Performance Counters NextValue() Very Slow (1,000+ Counters)