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New posts in pass-by-reference

Object by Reference vs. Reference by Value

Passing a parameter versus returning it from function

Do I need to use the ampersand in PHP 5.5.X and above anymore?

C++ and QT4.5 - is passing a const int& overkill? Does pass by reference helps in signals/slots?

Can someone explain to me what the reasoning behind passing by "value" and not by "reference" in Java is?

pass by reference without the ref keyword

Any differences between f(const string &) and f(const string )?

Best way to return early from a function returning a reference

std::thread constructor Is there a difference between passing a pointer and passing by ref?

Why does Clang generate different code for reference and non-null pointer arguments?

__callStatic(), call_user_func_array(), references, and PHP 5.3.1

Passing reference to activity to utility class android

Assigning to a new value to an object passed into a function in JavaScript

Is There a Reason Standard Algorithms Take Lambdas by Value? [duplicate]

Pass by reference or return array in PHP? [closed]

php pass-by-reference

How to access variable by id? [duplicate]

Copy-on-modify semantic on a vector does not append in a loop. Why?

Trying to use templatised fuctions to swap two strings

Javascript: Re-assigning a function with another function