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New posts in parametric-polymorphism

Expressing a F bounded type as abstract type member [duplicate]

Simply typed lambda calculus vs Hindley-Milner type system

How to it is a natural transformation?

Single/double dispatch via "dynamic overload" in C#

NFData instance for the Coyoneda type

A way to generalize Haskell's Either type for arbitrarily many types?

Scala polymorphic function for filtering an input List of Either

Can smart-constructor types have multiple valid Functor instances?

How to cast generic types that I know to be integers?

Type signatures that never make sense

What is the 'msg' in 'HTML msg' in Elm actually?

what are Parametric and Inclusion polymorphism in C++

Data.Foldable for unordered containers

How to use a generic class without the type argument in Swift?

good way to convert between ad-hoc polymorphic functions and parametric polymorphic ones

How can classes be made parametric in Perl 6?

Is there an automatic way to memoise global polymorphic values in Haskell?

Why is C++ said not to support parametric polymorphism?

Java: Polymorphic Return Type in an Abstract Method?