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New posts in parametric-polymorphism

Scala converting recursively bounded type parameter (F-bounded) to type member

The inner workings of `NextMethod()`

What can be done with the "constraint" keyword in OCaml

In Idris, can I prove free theorems, e.g. the only (total) function of type `forall t. t -> t` is `id`?

Which is a polymorphic type: a type or a set of types?

When and why to use AsRef<T> instead of &T

Type signature in a where clause

Why does GHC infer a monomorphic type here, even with MonomorphismRestriction disabled?

Use case for rank-3 (or higher) polymorphism?

What's the difference between parametric polymorphism and higher-kinded types?

Why does Haskell's `head` crash on an empty list (or why *doesn't* it return an empty list)? (Language philosophy)

What is polymorphism in Javascript?