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New posts in ownership

Are strings Drop or Copy?

rust ownership

Copy Constructor to transfer ownership of a unique_ptr

Who is the owner of a concatenated string once its owner goes out of scope?

string rust ownership

How to declare a closure that lives longer than its enclosing block

rust lifetime ownership

Is there an owned version of String::chars?

string iterator rust ownership

What is the Rust equivalent of C++'s shared_ptr?

Smart pointer which can change ownership at runtime (C++)

What does "borrowed data cannot be stored outside of its closure" mean?

Why does `a` keeps the ownership after `let b = &*&a;` in Rust? [duplicate]

rust ownership

How to bind multiple fields of a boxed struct without getting "use moved value" error?

struct rust ownership

Syntax guidelines for taking ownership and releasing objects in C++

c++ ownership

Operator overloading by value results in use of moved value

Why is IntoIter not owning the values? [duplicate]

types rust ownership

How to use a file with a BufReader and still be able to write to it?

file rust ownership

Why rust ignore lifetime checks on &str?

How to prevent anyone from stealing my shared_ptr?

c++ boost shared-ptr ownership

How do I copy a String from a &String while iterating through a Vector?

rust ownership

Used chown for /var/lib/mysql to change owner from root, now getting Error 1049 (42000) in mysql

Is a stored procedure with EXECUTE AS OWNER a valid replacement for a view selecting from third-schema tables?

Should I take `self` by value or mutable reference when using the Builder pattern?