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Implementing basic operations for built-in types without using libcore

rust osdev

The realisticity of writing a full operating system as an UEFI application [closed]

c osdev uefi

How to write a simple soundblaster 16 driver using direct write mode for a hobby OS?

How do I build a kernel image using Visual Studio?

Is the address checked by the memory alignment check mechanism a effective address, a linear address or a physical address?

BIOS and Address 0x07C00

GCC code that seems to break inline assembly rules but an expert believes otherwise

How do I programmatically create a bootable CD?

osdev grub bootable

Enable the boot loader to load the second sector of a USB

Is it possible to map a process into memory without mapping the kernel?

Should I make my own OS kernel ELF or raw binary?

How do you explain gcc's inline assembly constraints for the IN, OUT instructions of i386?

GCC - Label address return current EIP rather than real label address

c gcc osdev

OS Development - booting from floppy drive using qemu

boot qemu osdev floppy

Identifying faulting address on General Protection Fault (x86)

Why test port 0x64 in a bootloader before switching into protected mode?

What happens with a processor when it tries to access a nonexistent physical address?

Problem switching to v8086 mode from 32-bit protected mode by setting EFLAGS.VM to 1

assembly x86 nasm x86-64 osdev

How do I write a bin file (512 bytes) to the first sector (sector 0) of a floppy disk?

Keyboard IRQ within an x86 kernel

c x86 kernel osdev irq