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Linking two or more assembly files

Cannot modify data segment register. When tried General Protection Error is thrown

gcc assembly x86 osdev isr

Higher half kernel initialization

Solution needed for building a static IDT and GDT at assemble/compile/link time

assembly x86 nasm ld osdev

C without stdio, what is possible?

Self contained C routine to print string

How to do profiling with QEMU?

Understanding Inline assembly in a pre-processor macro vs Inline assembly in a function

c gcc x86 inline-assembly osdev

Why do interrupts need to be disabled before switching to protected mode from real mode?

Creating a simple multiboot kernel loaded with grub2

assembly x86 kernel osdev grub

Why BIOS need to compare a value in (seemly) randomized address to zero in the second instruction?

assembly x86 qemu bios osdev

Simple C Kernel char Pointers Aren't Working

c pointers x86 kernel osdev

Purpose of self-IPI on IA-32

x86 kernel interrupt osdev intel

Does booting in EFI mode mean that I shall not have access to BIOS interrupts?

RTC vs PIT for scheduler

operating-system osdev

How do I disable non maskable interrupts programmatically?

c x86-64 interrupt osdev nmi

Do I have to pop the error code pushed to stack by certain exceptions before returning from the interrupt handler?

Confused with CMPSB instruction

How does an OS generally go about managing kernel memory and page handling?

Memory map shows more RAM than physically available