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New posts in optional

AngularJS: Routing with URL having optional parameters

java 8 optional to replace return null

java java-8 optional

Idiomatic Scala for Options in place of if/else/else chain

Is there a better way of coping with Swift's nested "if let" "pyramid of doom?"

Swift increment Int! not working

swift increment optional

Use of Optional in a map

java optional option-type

C# FP: Validation and execution with error handling functional way - space for improvement?

Shorthand for wrapping a swift variable in an optional?

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Optional<Object> to BasketDTO

java optional option-type

Cascade methods, each returning an Java8 Optional<> [duplicate]

java java-8 optional

Propagate an optional through a function (or Init) in Swift

swift optional

Error thrown citing match arms with incompatible types when pattern matching an Option

std::optional: Not participating in overload resolution vs. being defined as deleted

Isn't there a nicer way to combine multiple `Union{T, Nothing}`

python regex match optional square brackets

experimental::optional nullopt_t constructor

c++ optional c++17 option-type

std::experimental::optional<T> implementation: Constexpr constructor confusion

Casting type inside Optional

Value of optional type 'UIImage?' not unwrapped

ios swift uiimage optional

Why does "flatMap" work with sequences of Option type in Scala?

scala optional flatmap