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New posts in option-type

Idiomatic way of mapping across Optional with void method

java java-8 option-type

Optional in Java conditional operator leads to NullPointerException

Are there any plans to add "expects" to std::optional?

Combining functors and monads

Swift - Optional Void

swift option-type

How can I check if a variable is not initialized in Swift?

swift null option-type

Why is findFirst() throwing a NullPointerException if I'm priorly filtering only for present() values?

Calling contains on a list for an optional value in Java?

java lambda java-8 option-type

Optional<T> when isPresent() get property or null when it is null; functional style in Java 8

Why doesn't make_optional work for file streams?

Haskell Int and Maybe Int

haskell int option-type

[AnyObject]?' does not have a member named 'Generator'

swift for-loop option-type

Function Array<Optional<T>> -> Optional<Array<T>>

JSON: Serialize Guava Optional

F# computation expression for nested Boolean tests?

How to make this alternative definition of Maybe work?

haskell option-type

Can a non optional variable be nil in Swift? [closed]

ios swift option-type

what can i use instead of `case of` to reduce the code?

haskell option-type

Optional<List<T>> for Empty List in Repository Layer Returns Optional.empty . How do I change it to return Optional[[]]

"fromJust" vs. "Just =" in Haskell

haskell option-type