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New posts in optimization

When does the Oracle CBO choose to execute a "merge join cartesian" operation?

Efficiency of adding a listener to a jQuery class set, compared to using $.each

Strange performance observed with memoized function

Is there a more efficient way to render high quantities of individual meshes?

Computing x^y with GCC vector intrinsics

Fast count() intersection of two string arrays

Core Data fetch request optimization

Optimize SVNAdmin Verify in SVN

Fastest way of converting integer to string in java

When to use find over logical indexing

ASP.NET MVC inline bundle

How to check for both POST and GET data whilst using filter_input?

Does OptaPlanner support optimizations and constraints on continuous variables?

Optimization: what are sidetable_release() and sidetable_retain()?

Fastest computation of sum x^5 + x^4 + x^3...+x^0 (Bitwise possible ?) with x=16

c math optimization assembly hpc

Infinite cube world engine (like Minecraft) optimization suggestions?

Accessing three static arrays is quicker than one static array containing 3x data?

Speeding up a numpy loop in python?

Loop unrolling in clang

Can a modern C/C++ compiler optimize better with the code in header?