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DDL generation and general persistence.xml settings (OpenJPA)

How to deal with locks (JPA)?

java jpa locking openjpa

How to define null-handling in Spring Data JPA sorts?

openJPA's persistence.xml configuration


Am I supposed to call EntityManager.clear() often to avoid memory leaks?

Using enum as id

java jpa openjpa

Getting "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:"

JPA: get-use-close of EntityManager and lazy loading

java jpa persistence openjpa

why EntityManager is null?

jpa lazy fetch entities over multiple levels with criteria api

How can I use typcasting inside a JPQL statement?

java jpa openjpa websphere-7

JPA criteria API translates the 'in' expression to multiple 'OR'

java jpa openjpa

How to enhance a class from a separate jar at build time with openJPA?

Open JPA Saving OneToMany , foreign key not set

java openjpa

How to do a timestamp comparison with JPA query?

jpa jpql openjpa

How do you send back a subset of a JPA entity that is owned by another entity?

java json openjpa

How do I configure OpenJPA SQL logging?


Database sharding and JPA

updating multiple rows using JPA

java jpa openjpa

selecting all rows from a database using JPA in WebSphere

websphere jpa-2.0 openjpa