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New posts in opengl

In OpenGL what's the difference between the GL_RED and GL_R color formats?

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How to know library variable names for CMakeLists?

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how to write basic shader in glsl?

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GLSL per-pixel spinlock using imageAtomicCompSwap

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How to draw a filled envelop like a cone on OpenGL (using GLUT)?

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Setting up OpenGL with C++ and Visual Studio 2008

opengl frustum culling without glGet* calls

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c++ opengl: how can i combine 2 different projection types for 3d graphics and 2d menus?

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OpenGL Newbie - Best way to move objects about in a scene

How can I efficiently draw thousands of vertices?

c++ performance opengl 3d

What is the best way to detect mouse-location/clicks on object in OpenGL?


How do we rotate a figure in 2d in openGL with respect to a point (other than the origin)?

c++ opengl

Erase parts of drawings in OpenGL

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Where can I find documentation on the OpenGL shader function texture2DRect()?

opengl glsl

Integrate LibRocket With SDL And OpenGL

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Is it possible to get this "chroma-shift" effect with OpenGL shaders

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How do I add OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) to Xcode 4?

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undefined reference to Base::object linker error @ c++ w/ freeglut

Picking triangles in OpenGL core profile when using glDrawElements

opengl glsl opengl-3

Texture doesn't stretch properly. Why is this happening?