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OpenGL vers >=2.0 requires texture dimensions to be multiples of 4 pixels?

OpenGL How to unit test?

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Sharing OpenGL VAO/VBO/etc. via QGLWidget

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Shaders' Performance (Vertex VS Fragment)

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how to make camera follow a 3d object in opengl?

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Hidden Line Removal algorithm for 3D meshes?

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Unexplainable behavior when using uniform sampler2d[]

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Best way to draw scatter plot with lots of data points in C++ using OpenGL

Got stuck implementing openGL picking

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Setting the GLSL version on Mac

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Executing OpenGL Programs in Linux

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Mixing DirectX and OpenGL

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Texture lookup into rendered FBO is off by half a pixel

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Setting up OpenGL on Fedora

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How to determine the opengl version under windows?


Perspecitve divide in vertex shader?

opengl opengl-3

How to take reliable QGLWidget snapshot

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List of objects inherited from a common class type calling overridden procedure?

Determining available video memory

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How to make a smooth camera follow algorithm?