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Does opencl support Function Pointers?


Download OpenCL AMD APP SDK 3.0 for windows and linux

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Why an “if-else” statement (in GPUs code) will cut the performance in half

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Do I really need an OpenCL SDK?

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Does Google Tensorflow support OpenCL

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Why do we need SPIR-V?

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std::vector and c-style arrays

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Access vector type OpenCL

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Exclusive compute mode with OpenCL+NVidia

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nvidia driver differences 275.50 and 280.19 for GTX480 GPU in opencl resampling

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Can't link OpenCL on Windows with GHC

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Untrusted GPGPU code (OpenCL etc) - is it safe? What risks?

What should replace "memcpy" inside OpenCL kernels?

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OpenCL device uniqueness


Work Group Sizes

opencl workgroup

What was the real reason why Google is chosing RenderScript instead of OpenCL? [closed]

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When to use cudaHostRegister() and cudaHostAlloc()? What is the meaning of "Pinned or page-locked" memory? Which are the equivalent in OpenCL?

My OpenCL kernel is slower on faster hardware.. But why?

(rendering particles) Should I learn shader or OpenCL?

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Running OpenCL on hardware from mixed vendors

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