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creating an instance of a class type variable

Nested iterating through list followed by an eventual deletion

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About scope and OOP in PHP

php oop variables scope

Add Function to JavaScript Object using Object.Create

Magento: performance decreases as number of cart items increases

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Side effects of calling a MATLAB class instance don't persist

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JavaScript nesting objects

javascript oop prototype

Best way to import JavaScript files into one file?

javascript oop

Java Package level access

About PHP Magic Methods __get and __set on inheritance

Instantiate a class in a case-insensitive way

php oop

Assigning subclass object to Superclass instance type is only for overriding concept?or we are doing this for something else also?

java oop

Writing an iterator for multiple lists

c++ oop templates iterator

How to avoid large if statements?

PHPExcel : Data validation not working in .xls format

php oop phpexcel

JVM - Order of execution of sub class methods and the use of @override [duplicate]

java oop

How can I pass a module's function as a reference to another module in Perl?

Alternate for Session variable in c #, Can we use class and its object to store a value instead of session variable?

Python change self to inherited class

python class oop superclass self

Wrapping up static class with non-static class

c# oop static-classes