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Java Package level access

I know that class members with default access control can be accessible at package level but i'm confused about what does package level access actually mean. If default members can be accessed at package level then shouldn't i be visible in class Test2 in following example? class 1-

package pkg1;
public class Test {
   int i=0;

class 2-

import pkg1.Test;
public class Test2 {

void get(){
    Test t = new Test();

Please help me getting this concept. Thanks in advance.

like image 288
aaaaa Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 05:02


1 Answers

Package level access means that only classes that are defined in the same package can access the package level variable. If you have to import Test, then I'm assuming that Test is in a different package and therefore it can't access i.

For Test2 to access i, define it in the same package as Test1.

like image 193
rgettman Avatar answered Feb 28 '23 12:02
