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Why "XXX" word in Java comment in eclipse IDE take a special style?

When i write a Java comment in Eclipse IDE containning "XXX" word
Like that

// Increment 
// XXX => Not like that [ x = x++; ]
// OK  => BUT like that [ x++; ]

The "XXX" word take a style which is different a normal comment style
Its color will be (Blue color) NOT (Green color)

"XXX" comment color is like that "TODO" comment color

// XXX color like TODO color

Why that ?

like image 876
ahmednabil88 Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 07:02


1 Answers

XXX is sometimes used as a tag for bugs or other bad stuff. Eclipse recognises various kinds of tags in comments, and highlights them. TODO and FIXME are other examples that spring to mind.

It's configured under Java > Compiler > Task Tags in the preferences.

A way to make use of this is with the Tasks view; this lists all the occurrences of such tags in your code, and lets you jump to them. It's handy as a super-lightweight micro-task tracking system.

like image 187
Tom Anderson Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 22:04

Tom Anderson