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New posts in session-variables

Hibernate Sessions and Transactions with Threads

Losing session after a redirect to another domain then back

Single MySQL session per python\django process

Pre-populating a Spring MVC form

Alternate for Session variable in c #, Can we use class and its object to store a value instead of session variable?

What can be the maximum size for the $_SESSION?

php csv session-variables

PHP - to store big session array in $_SESSION or in database?

Is there something similar to sessionStorage but with multidimensional keys?

CodeIgniter adding session variable to an already defined "named session"

Int session variable to increment?

change php session value by click

Is it safe to store a value in a session variable and make queries on the value?

PHP: How to store session in cookie

Session not working in laravel 5.3

Session Storage vs Class Storage

Node.js express-session what does the proxy option do?

How to Bypass Resetting a Session's Expiration

Maximum Session Lifetime for iPad using PHP?

Managing session between two cakephp app engine