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Writing an iterator for multiple lists

I'm trying to write an iterator that iterates on multiple (sorted) lists. I have one that works but I'd like to improve it.

Here's what I have for now.

#ifndef __multi_iterator__
#define __multi_iterator__

#include <list>

template <typename T>
class multi_iterator
    typedef typename std::list<T>::const_iterator iterator;
    typedef std::list<iterator> iterator_list;

    multi_iterator(const multi_iterator<T>& other);
    multi_iterator& operator = (const multi_iterator<T>& other);

    virtual ~multi_iterator();

    void add_list(const std::list<T>& it);

    const T& operator * ();
    multi_iterator<T>& operator ++ ();
    multi_iterator<T> operator ++ (int unused);
    bool operator == (const multi_iterator<T>& other);
    bool operator != (const multi_iterator<T>& other);

    iterator_list _it_list;
    iterator_list _end_list;

    iterator& next();

template <typename T>
: _it_list()

template <typename T>
multi_iterator<T>::multi_iterator(const multi_iterator<T>& other)
: _it_list(other._it_list)

template <typename T>
multi_iterator<T>& multi_iterator<T>::operator = (const multi_iterator<T>& other)
    _it_list = other._it_list;

template <typename T>

template <typename T>
void multi_iterator<T>::add_list(const std::list<T>& l)

template <typename T>
const T& multi_iterator<T>::operator * ()
    return *(next());

template <typename T>
multi_iterator<T>& multi_iterator<T>::operator ++ ()


    return *this;

template <typename T>
typename multi_iterator<T>::iterator& multi_iterator<T>::next()
    typename iterator_list::iterator it = _it_list.begin();
    typename iterator_list::iterator end_it = _end_list.begin();
    typename iterator_list::iterator cur_it = _it_list.end();
    for (; it != _it_list.end(); ++it)
        if (*it != *end_it)
            if ((cur_it == _it_list.end()) || (**it < **cur_it))
                cur_it = it;

    return *cur_it;

template <typename T>
multi_iterator<T> multi_iterator<T>::operator ++ (int unused)
    return ++(*this);

template <typename T>
bool multi_iterator<T>::operator == (const multi_iterator<T>& other)
    return _it_list == other._it_list;

template <typename T>
bool multi_iterator<T>::operator != (const multi_iterator<T>& other)
    return !(*this == other);

#endif /* defined(__multi_iterator__) */

Here are the questions I've been pondering:

  1. What should a C++ iterator do when it reaches the end (trying to look like stdlib). Throw an exception?

  2. I don't think my keeping the list of iterator "ends" is elegant. Neither is my way to find if all iterators are at the end in next(). Does anyone have a cleaner solution?

  3. Currently next() runs in linear time and is called for both * and ++ operators. I'm thinking I could save the current iterator and get the * operator to run in constant time. Also, If I sort my list each time I call ++, would ++ run in nlog(n)? I heard that this can be done in log(n) time and I can't really find a way to do that. What are your thoughts on complexity and optimization for this?

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LodeRunner Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 11:02


1 Answers

What you're trying to do is pretty well covered by zip iterators -- the Boost.Iterator library provides one. Check out their implementation.

You should also check out this discussion if you need to be able to add containers dynamically:

Zip Several Iterators in C++

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Nathan Monteleone Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 10:02

Nathan Monteleone