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GlobalSettings onStart fires only after first request

Run Android App Twice To Work, Why?

Start animation when fragment is visible on ViewPager

Where do I put the bulk of my code when writing a windows service?

c# windows-services onstart

When activity will be visible? After onStart() or onResume()?

How to run a task when a windows service starts?

Android lifecycle: Fill in data in activity in onStart() or onResume()?

Android - Activity onCreate and Fragment onCreate

C# Converting Console App to Service

c# service console onstart

NetworkOnMainThreadException error in jellybean [duplicate]

android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException on service start on android

Launch an animation onstart CustomViewPager

What's the difference between the webrole onStart() event and Application_Start() global.asax event?

ActionBar pre Honeycomb

In Android, How can I avoid the onStart method from being deprecated?

Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate]