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New posts in installutil

installutil.exe is not a valid win32 application

win32-process installutil

Installing windows service fails: service already exists

Can the Invoke-Item cmdlet launch an executable with parameters?

powershell installutil

Controlling start up sequence of a windows service

How to install a .NET windows service without InstallUtil.exe vb.net

How to run a task when a windows service starts?

BadImageFormatException error in using InstallUtil tool

c# installutil

Installutil won't uninstall: "The specified service does not exist as an installed service"

WCF Service as Windows Service woes (Windows 7)

Problem installing windows service

Installing Windows Service with batch file?

Correct InstallUtil Path To File Syntax?

C# Powershell snapin not registering using installutil

installing windows service error: cannot open service control manager on computer. this operation might require other privileges

Using InstallUtil to install a Windows service with startup parameters

Installing a .NET service using InstallUtil

installing windows service with SC.exe or InstallUtil.exe - there is difference but which?

Cannot install windows service

Installing multiple instances of the same windows service on a server

Install Windows Service created in Visual Studio