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New posts in object-lifetime

Does guaranteed copy elision work with function parameters?

Should this C++ temporary binding to reference member be illegal?

The lifetime of a reference with regard to its target

Why is a variable declared in a using statement treated as readonly?

How C++ destructor works [duplicate]

Is it safe to wait for asynchronous work by joining in the destructor?

Arrays and implicit-lifetime object creation

c++ arrays object-lifetime

C++ Using a reference to the variable being defined

What's the rationale of the exceptions of temporary object lifetime expansion when bound to a reference?

How does std::future affects the lifetime of an associated std::packaged_task?

NOT the most important const.. but what is this?

What is the order of destruction of objects in VBScript?

Safe way in Delphi for a Form to distribute interface objects tied to its lifetime?

__del__ method being called in python when it is not expected

python object-lifetime del

Lifetime management with Google Guice

C++ lifetime of union member

Prevent temporary from extending its lifetime?

Can the storage of trivially copyable objects be safely reallocated with realloc?

Are locals destroyed before or after evaluation of a function return value?

At what point does the lifetime of a trivial type created by placement-new start?