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New posts in nunit

Adding more information to TestResult.xml file from NUnit

unit-testing nunit

Minimum NUnit binaries for an OSS project

unit-testing nunit

Launching NUnit from Visual Studio can't load nunit.uikit.XmlSerializers

Noshadow option for nunit-console


Can nunit be configured to drop the app domain per fixture (or per test)

.net nunit

How do I simplify these NUNit tests?

nunit testcase

Best way for Unit Testing MonoTouch Projects?

How to unit test this method in c#?

c# asp.net-mvc-3 nunit

Visual Studio 2013 feature Code Lens with NUnit

Integration testing with LocalDB

TeamCity NUnit runner fails because of x86 - x64 - MSIL discrepancies

Does NUnit re-instantiate classes marked as TestFixtures between each test?

c# nunit nsubstitute

Why doesn't VSTS Build "Visual Studio Test" step find my NUnit tests?

How to run NUnit test in STA thread?

c# .net-core nunit sta

Getting DRY with Rhino Mocks

Difference between double comparisons in gtest (C++) and nunit (C#)

ASP.NET + NUnit : Good unit testing strategy for HttpModule using .NET 4

asp.net nunit c#-4.0

What are the preferred options, today, for unit testing in Visual Studio 2010?

How Can I get NUnit's ExpectedException attribute to detect an exception's base class?

Code dependency unit testing

c# .net unit-testing nunit