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New posts in numeric-limits

Why can integer type int64_t not hold this legal value? [duplicate]

Why is C++ numeric_limits<enum_type>::max() == 0?

Creating complex infinity with std::complex<T> in C++

What is the purpose of max_digits10 and how is it different from digits10?

C++: Why does numeric_limits work on types it does not know?

Where are the limits for Qt types?

c++ qt limits numeric-limits

When a float variable goes out of the float limits, what happens?

Why is FLT_MIN equal to zero?

Using numeric_limits::max() in constant expressions

Why is std::numeric_limits<T>::max() a function?

Why is the maximum value of an unsigned n-bit integer 2ⁿ-1 and not 2ⁿ?

‘numeric_limits’ was not declared in this scope, no matching function for call to ‘max()’

c++ max cin numeric-limits

Why does numeric_limits::min return a negative value for int but positive values for float/double?

c++ std numeric-limits

Negative infinity

c++ numeric-limits

Is it possible to read infinity or NaN values using input streams?

c++ numeric-limits

Syntax error with std::numeric_limits::max

warning C4003 and errors C2589 and C2059 on: x = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

maximum value of int

c++ c stl limits numeric-limits

Why is 0 < -0x80000000?