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New posts in nuget-package

Updating MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package after editing MiniProfiler.cs in App_Start

direct nuget where to put files

How can I re-package NuGet packages once they're declared as ready for Production?

How do I search for Nuget Packages that target my plaftform?

Visual Studio 2015 does not respect nuget's repository path for ASP.NET Core projects

Executing c# code in f# script has unexpected behavior

f# nuget nuget-package f#-fake

Nuget not updating content files which are not included in the csproj file when installing new version of package

nuget nuget-package

How can I download a nuget package only for a specific platform?

asp.net core docker issue

Package Manager Console commands in pre-build event

nuget nuget-package

Missing package causes NuGet package restore to fail

how to tell NuGet to install package per project and not solution

nuget nuget-package

NuGet release management

c# .net nuget nuget-package

Nuget Package - Referenced Assemblies Are Not Being Included As Project References

Appveyor seems to ignore infomational version

nuget-package appveyor

how do we get the apikey of VSTS nuget package management service

What is the EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports target?

NuGet pack is ignoring assembly info
