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New posts in nsuinteger

May I use NSCoder::encodeInteger:forKey: and decodeIntegerForKey: methods with argument of type NSUInteger?

Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'long long' to 'NSInteger' (aka 'int')

Is there a better way to avoid 'Sign comparison' warning when comparing NSIndexPath's row and NSArray count?

NSIntegerMax vs NSUIntegerMax

Using Multiple NSUInteger enums as a parameter to a method

Why NSInteger instead of NSUInteger in "numberOfSectionInTableView:"?

Why doesn't cocoa use the same enum declaration style everywhere?

How to convert typedef enum to NSNumber?

NSString to NSUInteger

Convert NSInteger to NSUInteger?

How do you convert an NSUInteger into an NSString?

How do I convert NSUInteger value to int value in objectiveC? [duplicate]

ios objective-c int nsuinteger

Difference between int, NSInteger and NSUInteger

What NSNumber (Integer 16, 32, 64) in Core Data should I use to keep NSUInteger

core-data nsuinteger