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Is there a better way to avoid 'Sign comparison' warning when comparing NSIndexPath's row and NSArray count?

I turned 'Signed Comparision' (aka -Wsign-compare) warnings for my iOS project in XCode (surprisingly, it was off by default). After that lots of warnings like this appeared:

/Users/michalciuba/projects/GlobeMobile/Classes/ACMailController.m:86:19: Comparison of integers of different signs: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') and 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long')

They are usually caused by comparing row property of NSIndexPath which is NSInteger to the value returned by 'count' method of NSArray, like this:

if(indexPath.row < [self.myDataArray count]) 

The warning can be simply fixed by casting:

if(indexPath.row < (NSInteger)[self.myDataArray count]) 

However, it has to be done if every single place where such values are being compared. And they are being compared in dozens of places. I wonder if there is a better and more clever way to solve this problem? I don't want to turn off this warning, because it may help to prevent issues like unsigned integer underflow.

like image 361
Michał Ciuba Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 10:02

Michał Ciuba

1 Answers

You could implement a category that does it for you :

@implementation NSArray (SignedCount)

- (NSInteger) signedCount
    NSInteger count = (NSInteger)[self count];
    return count;

like image 147
Rom. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
