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Determine if UITableView has static cells or dynamic prototypes programmatically?

I'm writing an abstract UITableViewController class and I'd like to write something in viewDidLoad like

if (self.tableView.contentType == UITableViewContentTypeStaticCells) {
    // Do something when table view has static cells
} else {
    // Do something when table view has dynamic prototypes

But obviously there is no contentType on UITableView. Is there a way to determine programmatically whether the tableView's storyboard content is static or dynamic?

like image 887
dmur Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 20:11


1 Answers

Just for the curious: [tableViewController valueForKey: @"staticDataSource"] will get you there, where tableViewController is a UITableViewController.

BUT(!) this might not pass the AppStore and may break without warning as it's not published API.

Update: It seems that checking if checking, if

self == self.tableView.dataSource

while self is a UITableViewController also gives you re requested result.

like image 154
osxdirk Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
