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New posts in nsmanagedobjectcontext

Does NSFetchedResultsController Observe All Changes to Persistent Store?

RestKit crashes because NSManagedObjectContext is nil in the RKResponseMapperOperation

Using Core Data Concurrently and Reliably

Core Data: should I be fetching objects from the parent context or does the child context have the same objects as the parent?

Core-Data: Parent context changes not being merged into child context

Remove inserted but unsaved object from Core Data Managed Object Context

NSManagedObjectContext save doesn't crash but breaks on objc_exception_throw

NSManagedObject's managedObjectContext property is nil

Crashing on saving a managedObjectContext, with 'NSInvalidArgumentException', but only sporadically

CoreData fails to save context, saying relationship is nil - however it is definitely set

trying to save NSManagedObjectContext not working

Performance of NSManagedObjectContext save degrades dramatically

Nested performBlock: on NSManagedObjectContext

NSManagedObject changed properties after save

NSUndoManager, Core Data and selective undo/redo

iPhone & Core Data - Removing NSManagedObject?

How to handle cleanup of external data when deleting *unsaved* Core Data objects?

Core Data Error After Recreating Persistant Store

NSManagedObjectContext confusion

existingObjectWithID:error: returns nil, but objectWithID: returns an actual usable object