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Using Core Data Concurrently and Reliably

I'm building my first iOS app, which in theory should be pretty straightforward but I'm having difficulty making it sufficiently bulletproof for me to feel confident submitting it to the App Store.

Briefly, the main screen has a table view, upon selecting a row it segues to another table view that displays information relevant for the selected row in a master-detail fashion. The underlying data is retrieved as JSON data from a web service once a day and then cached in a Core Data store. The data previous to that day is deleted to stop the SQLite database file from growing indefinitely. All data persistence operations are performed using Core Data, with an NSFetchedResultsController underpinning the detail table view.

The problem I am seeing is that if you switch quickly between the master and detail screens several times whilst fresh data is being retrieved, parsed and saved, the app freezes or crashes completely. There seems to be some sort of race condition, maybe due to Core Data importing data in the background whilst the main thread is trying to perform a fetch, but I'm speculating. I've had trouble capturing any meaningful crash information, usually it's a SIGSEGV deep in the Core Data stack.

The table below shows the actual order of events that happen when the detail table view controller is loaded:

Main Thread                          Background Thread

                                     Get JSON data (using AFNetworking)

Create child NSManagedObjectContext (MOC)

                                     Parse JSON data
                                     Insert managed objects in child MOC
                                     Save child MOC
                                     Post import completion notification

Receive import completion notification
Save parent MOC
Perform fetch and reload table view

                                     Delete old managed objects in child MOC
                                     Save child MOC
                                     Post deletion completion notification

Receive deletion completion notification
Save parent MOC

Once the AFNetworking completion block is triggered when the JSON data has arrived, a nested NSManagedObjectContext is created and passed to an "importer" object that parses the JSON data and saves the objects to the Core Data store. The importer executes using the new performBlock method introduced in iOS 5:

NSManagedObjectContext *child = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
    [child setParentContext:self.managedObjectContext];        
    [child performBlock:^{
        // Create importer instance, passing it the child MOC...

The importer object observes its own MOC's NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification and then posts its own notification which is observed by the detail table view controller. When this notification is posted the table view controller performs a save on its own (parent) MOC.

I use the same basic pattern with a "deleter" object for deleting the old data after the new data for the day has been imported. This occurs asynchronously after the new data has been fetched by the fetched results controller and the detail table view has been reloaded.

One thing I am not doing is observing any merge notifications or locking any of the managed object contexts or the persistent store coordinator. Is this something I should be doing? I'm a bit unsure how to architect this all correctly so would appreciate any advice.

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John Topley Avatar asked Jul 04 '12 20:07

John Topley

People also ask

When should I use Core Data?

Use Core Data to save your application's permanent data for offline use, to cache temporary data, and to add undo functionality to your app on a single device. To sync data across multiple devices in a single iCloud account, Core Data automatically mirrors your schema to a CloudKit container.

What is the meaning of core data?

Core Data is a framework that you use to manage the model layer objects in your application. It provides generalized and automated solutions to common tasks associated with object life cycle and object graph management, including persistence.

Is core data thread safe?

Core Data is designed to work in a multithreaded environment. However, not every object under the Core Data framework is thread safe. To use Core Data in a multithreaded environment, ensure that: Managed object contexts are bound to the thread (queue) that they are associated with upon initialization.

2 Answers

Pre-iOS 5, we've usually had two NSManagedObjectContexts: one for the main thread, one for a background thread. The background thread can load or delete data and then save. The resulting NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification was then passed (as you're doing) to the main thread. We called mergeChangesFromManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification: to bring those in to the main thread context. This has worked well for us.

One important aspect of this is that the save: on the background thread blocks until after the mergeChangesFromManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification: finishes running on the main thread (because we call mergeChanges... from the listener to that notification). This ensures that the main thread managed object context sees those changes. I don't know if you need to do this if you have a parent-child relationship, but you did in the old model to avoid various kinds of trouble.

I'm not sure what the advantage of having a parent-child relationship between the two contexts is. It seems from your description that the final save to disk happens on the main thread, which probably isn't ideal for performance reasons. (Especially if you might be deleting a large amount of data; the major cost for deletion in our apps has always happened during final save to disk.)

What code are you running when the controllers appear/disappear that could be causing core data trouble? What kinds of stack traces are you seeing the crash on?

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Jesse Rusak Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10

Jesse Rusak

Just an architectural idea:

With your stated data refresh pattern (once a day, FULL cycle of data deleted and added), I would actually be motivated to create a new persistent store each day (i.e. named for the calendar date), and then in the completion notification, have the table view setup a new fetchedresultscontroller associated with the new store (and likely a new MOC), and refresh using that. Then the app can (elsewhere, perhaps also triggered by that notification) completely destroy the "old" data store. This technique decouples the update processing from the data store that the app is currently using, and the "switch" to the new data might be considered dramatically more atomic, since the change happens simply be starting to point to the new data instead of hoping you aren't catching the store in an inconsistent state while new data is being written (but is not yet complete).

Obviously I have left some details out, but I tend to think that much data being changed while being used should be re-architected to reduce the likelihood of the kind of crash you are experiencing.

Happy to discuss further...

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Chris Trahey Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10

Chris Trahey