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Enable G729 codec in linphone for iPhone




I herewith a problem of enabling G729 codec.

Currently I am using linphone libraries for making sip calls from iPhone. I need to work with g729 codec.

Can anyone has idea on how do i do that? Kindly share your valuable knowledge on that.

like image 849
Arun Thakkar Avatar asked May 18 '12 07:05

Arun Thakkar

2 Answers

Assuming you were able to compile the SDK and the linphone XCode project, here is what you need to do:

  1. Include G729_preference in the Audio.plist file. You can either type all the info yourself or simply copy the G722 line and simply replace 722 with 729. Make sure you set Default Value to YES
  2. In Project -> Target -> Build Settings find "Preprocessor macros" and include HAVE_G729
  3. Run the project. The SDP should now include G729 in the invites or 200 OKs.

Note that G729 has royalties (aka patent license) so be aware. If you plan to deploy commercially, you will need to setup an agreement with Sipro.

like image 103
pfs Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10


You can find the instruction in readme.md included in project.

You need to enable G729 codec with this command:

like image 1
Dean Nguyen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Dean Nguyen