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New posts in nsmanagedobjectcontext

NSFetchedResultsController misses updates on merged NSManagedObjectContext

Debugging in XCode: Exception Breakpoints

Swift get specific NSManagedObject from entity (core data)

NSManagedObject Not Reflecting Changes After Background Thread NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification

Core data Multi level parent - Child context

what's the 'proper' way to use NSManagedObjectContext's objectWithID:

Array of NSManagedObjectIDs, fetch the objects at once

Using NSManagedObject subclasses to transport persistent and non persistent data

NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification not always called instantly

How to remove a core data persistent store

performBlockAndWait creates deadlock

Store But Don't Save NSManagedObject to CoreData?

CoreData: Fetching an Object from an unsaved Context

Retrieve NSManagedObjectContext from NSManagedObject

Core Data Fault

performBlockAndWait On Child Context with Private Queue Deadlocks Parent on iOS 7

Illegal relationship between objects in different contexts: but I only have one context?

What could cause mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification not to merge/invalidate objects that have been updated?