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New posts in nsmanagedobjectcontext

NSManagedObjectContext - how to update child when parent changes?

IOS CoreData, which NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType to use and why?

Two persistent stores for one managed object context - possible?

Context pattern? Why does Core Data need it?

CoreData child contexts, NSFetchedResultsController and main thread

NSManagedObjectContext doesn't refresh correctly

Copying pending changes between NSManagedObjectContexts with shared persistent store?

+entityForName: nil is not a legal NSManagedObjectContext parameter searching for entity name

Slow deletes and saves in nested NSManagedObjectContext

Core Data: Observing new Entity of certain type

How to get the ID of an object saved to Core Data's managed object context?

Why does Apple documentation that getting ManagedObjectContext from UIApplicationDelegate is bad?

how do you create a NSManagedObjectContext

managedObjectContext save fails with error being null

Does an NSManagedObject retain its NSManagedObjectContext?

Core Data: parent context blocks child

How to use CoreData in Xcode 8?

Core-Data: NSLog output Does Not Show "Fields"

[Image count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

Core Data crash NSInternalInconsistencyException 'statement is still active'