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New posts in nsmanagedobjectcontext

Core Data Object IDs vs Permanent Object ID

ViewContext not receiving updates from newBackgroundContext()

Core Data managed object context design recommendation

undo all changes made in the child view controller

Core Data concurrency queue style MOC getters thread safety

Saving Single CoreData Entity (Not the Whole Context) While Keeping NSFetchedResultController Functionality

Core data find-or-create most efficient way

Cross-model relationships in NSManagedObjectModel from merged models?

insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext: returning NSNumber bug?

How to test Core Data properly in Swift

Create an NSManagedObject Without Saving? [duplicate]

Clearing a context in Core Data: reset vs deleting registered objects?

best practices - NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification in iOS

Why doesn't NSManagedObject instances hold a strong reference to their NSManagedObjectContext?

Get NSManagedObjectContext when using Storyboard

XCode 4.2 NSManagedObject context build failed

Unacceptable type of value for to-one relationship: property = "user"; desired type = User; given type = User;

Core Data privateQueue performBlockAndWait deadlock while accessing relationship

Avoiding registered object buildup (memleak) in NSManagedObjectContext