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New posts in noexcept

Wouldn't it make sense to overload with respect to noexcept?

Can a non-throwing function pointer point to a throwing-function?

Under which circumstances might std::unique_ptr::operator[] throw?

Strange behavior of noexcept specifier in C++14

Casting a function pointer into a noexcept specified function pointer

Rationale for std::move_if_noexcept still moving throwing move-only types?

c++ move-semantics noexcept

noexcept specifier and compiler optimizations

can floating point multiplication throw an exception in C++?

c++ noexcept

Is knowledge about noexcept-ness supposed to be forwarded when passing around a function pointer?

c++ c++11 noexcept

Why does std::vector use the move constructor although declared as noexcept(false)

“Default member initializer needed within definition of enclosing class outside of member functions” - is my code ill-formed?

Is calling a "noexcept function" through a "function" lvalue undefined?

Why is default noexcept move constructor being accepted?

Does anything prevent std::optional::value_or() from being conditionally noexcept?

`noexcept` behavior of `constexpr` functions

C++ noexcept declaration changes template deduction

c++ templates noexcept

Can the std::vector default constructor throw an exception

Point of evaluation of exception specification

Evaluating noexcept specifier before template type deduction

Inconsistencies with conditional noexcept and overloads