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“Default member initializer needed within definition of enclosing class outside of member functions” - is my code ill-formed?

struct foo
    struct bar {
        ~bar() {}                // no error w/o this line
    bar *data = nullptr;         // no error w/o this line
    foo() noexcept = default;    // no error w/o this line

Yes, I know, there is another question with exactly the same title, but a somewhat different problem (involving a noexcept operator and no nested type). The solution suggested there (replacing the constructor of foo with

    foo() noexcept {}

) changes the semantics and it not necessary here: here we have a better answer (hence the question is not a duplicate).

compiler: Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.37), full error message:

test.cc:44:5: error: default member initializer for 'data' needed within definition of enclosing class 'foo' outside of member functions
    foo() noexcept = default;
test.cc:41:10: note: default member initializer declared here
    bar* data = nullptr;
like image 508
Walter Avatar asked Oct 21 '17 18:10


2 Answers

This is a clang bug. But there is a simple workaround.

When one defines a special member function as defaulted, the noexcept specifier is just used to check that the defaulted special member generated by the compiler will be noexcept, [dcl.sft.dcl.def]:

If a function that is explicitly defaulted is declared with a noexcept-specifier that does not produce the same exception specification as the implicit declaration (18.4), then

— if the function is explicitly defaulted on its first declaration, it is defined as deleted;

— otherwise, the program is ill-formed.

So if you remove the noexcept sepcifier of foo default constructor, you will not change the semantic, foo will still be nothrow default constructible:

#include <type_traits>
struct foo
  struct bar {
    ~bar() {}                // no error w/o this line
  bar *data = nullptr;         // no error w/o this line
  foo()= default;    // foo is noexcept, weither the declarator contains noexcept or not

like image 129
Oliv Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 20:11


The problem can be solved by defaulting the destructor of the nested class

struct foo
    struct bar {
        ~bar() = default;        // this fixes it
    bar *data = nullptr;         // no error w/o this line
    foo() noexcept = default;    // no error w/o this line

However, it's not clear to me why/whether this is required by the standard.

like image 26
Walter Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 21:11
