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New posts in naming

When to use exclamation mark in clojure (or lisp)?

clojure naming

What does .dist used as an extension of some source code file mean?

naming-conventions naming

Is there a name meaning "not a singleton"?

singleton naming grammar

What is the preferred way (better style) to name a namespace in Ruby? Singular or Plural?

Is there any kind of standard for representing date ranges?

Semantic difference between "Find" and "Search"?

search find naming semantics

What kind of prefix do you use for member variables?

Renaming SVN repository project name

svn naming

When duplicating a target in Xcode, is there any way to set the name that the target will have before or as it is created?

Why is one_of() called that?

r naming tidyverse

C# .NET instance variable naming convention?

iPhone Application Name Availability

iphone naming

Is using "is" to name Boolean variables bad practice?

variables boolean naming

What is the reason function names are prefixed with an underscore by the compiler?

Name for HTTP Request+Response

http naming http-1.1

Folder naming convention for python projects

python naming conventions

Java Queues - why "poll" and "offer"?

java naming

Is the word "Helper" in a class name a code smell?

Max name length of variable or method in Java

How to access the NUnit test name programmatically?

nunit naming