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New posts in naming-conventions

Naming types in a namespace by the .NET Framework Design Guidelines

Package Name - Java EE Web Application

java naming-conventions

Origin of thread join

what does the A stand for in sequenceA?

Is there any significance of the triple underscores in this python for loop?

Which method name fits in best with Objective-C/Cocoa conventions?

C# Code Style: Switching from "this." prefix to "underscore" [closed]

Function naming in C: parentheses in function names

c naming-conventions

Infrastructure for a software project [closed]

Naming Boolean (bit) Values in a SQL db

sql naming-conventions

MVC model binding naming convention for child objects?

Naming convention for IDs in Android

Convention for naming Ruby exceptions

Is there a naming convention for new bash commands?

Should getters from domain classes not be prefixed with "get" in DDD, and why?

What is the correct naming notation for classes, functions, variables etc in c#?

Why is it convention to suffix event handlers with 'handler'? Why not prefix them with 'handle'?


configuration filename convention

Better Term than "Decisecond" [closed]

How to name methods that trigger events?

.net naming-conventions